Sharon - YOUR GRACE.
3 min readFeb 27, 2023


Photo by luis arias on Unsplash

In a humid town of Arizona, way out past state lines, past recognition on maps and the tiny print on the government’s heart, a certain depressed mum screamed her red- haired head and popped out three little babies. I have a feeling you know where this is going. Instead of counting her blessings, she counted three little responsibilities, three little high blood pressure and three little heart attacks. She definitely was high at the moment so she did what nobody thought she would do in a highly religious environment.

That’s right. Jonah, Judas and Jezebel came to life. The three Js. You have never met rebellion wrapped in sweetness like these three and their mum loved it.

Mama J as she was 'fondly' called didn’t want to follow the norm of naming a child and definitely didn’t care about anyone’s opinion. But…I guess she didn’t think about the impact those names will have on her 'three precious tea cups' as she sweetly calls them.

As her babies grew and the town evolved, the response to the three has always been different. Nobody gave them a chance and secretly referred to them as the 'devil’s spawn.’ Despite what you may think, they took it pretty well publicly and cried endlessly in private.

Growing up in a neighborhood that was seeded with various levels of mental and spiritual states, they adapted and became the tough one in the lot, saving the little ones from being bullied and harassed. The three Js always walked together no matter what or where except for the bathroom of course.

Living up to the name in red but soaring high academically was a mystery unsolved. Engaging in fights in school, receiving suspension notices literally almost every week and known for their dark, sarcastic comments to teens who make fun of them but their unique, flavored fashion sense takes the cake. Students and teachers literally envy their clothing style. It was the best in town.

After completing high school with a school record spotted like a car decorated with bullets, they decided to start a career that fits their perfect, abnormal personalities.

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Serving their fatherland the best way how; joining the military. Boy! They were good, so good they were enlisted into the black ops but the chip in the block is, they always work together, never with anyone else. Jonah, Judas and Jezebel are a team. A dangerous, dark team that any government would be proud of…though not publicly. It was like they drew a special power from being together and they were unstoppable.

Photo by HIZIR KAYA on Unsplash

They became a force to reckon with in the army, having kill counts higher than the population in Rome and the enemy always hides in dread when their names are mentioned….until someone decided they are worth challenging.

That was the true beginning of their story. The true start of a life that will forever be traded in history. Codename : The Triangle.