Sharon - YOUR GRACE.
3 min readNov 9, 2023


Photo by Krisztian Tabori on Unsplash

As Dekayo brushed her paddle against the blanket of the ocean in her small, wooden canoe, only one thought took the front seat.Risking it all and riding into the sunset. This is foolishness, she knows but the urge to just go sometimes is overwhelming.

Her neighbourhood laid with water like an everlasting carpet was always a reminder that she can’t run. She just realized it is hard to run in case of a break-in or a mother’s 'love pestle.'
Fortunately enough, she had the chance to go to the mainland right there in Lagos once every red moon. The word 'red' signifies when her aunt needed or forced her to stay with her demon possessed children for two weeks, two large dogs who growls like a lion everytime she walked past them and a cat acting like a witch. Freedom was a word she never really cared about until recently. Bondage was never a word she knew either until now. Makoko, a home like no other. She loved the fact that she can stare at the rim of the ocean and play with the water with the tips of her fingers from the canoe.
If this was Europe, it would seem poetic or even romantic but this is Nigeria, she was bored and she has to wake up.

Photo by Boba Jovanovic on Unsplash

Early, one particular morning, as she rode to the fishermen’s golden nest, she is depressed as usual. As she sleekly moved close, two certain young fishermen hailed at her arrival. She is quite famous for catching the most mouth-watering fish. She smiled at first, at their childish loud teasing but that smile started to wane when she sights some foreboding.

The skies has started to grow terribly dark, the ocean tumbles uneasily and the lighting strikes adding a nice touch. Suddenly, she gasps as she screamed, "Guys, look behind you." No one really pays attention as they have grown to the sight of the storm. A stupid moment of ego.

Photo by Siim Lukka on Unsplash

“Oh my God!" She exclaimed as she turns back in the direction of her home. A grave knowing imprinted on her. "Mum." She whispers. She paddled furiously as she tries to get back to her family and warn them but it was too late. It is here. She takes a sharp gulp of breath as something furious hits her in a rolling masterpiece.